Thursday, October 9, 2008

Duality, Whats up with that?

Man/Woman, Happy/Sad, Good/Bad, Night/Day........Im sure we've all noticed how everything in this world seems to have its opposite. If man did not have woman he would cease to exist, just as woman would without man.Our bodies require both positive and negative ions for nervous input. Its without a doubt necessary for everything in this world to have an opposite for the continuation of life as we know it. My question is, why do you think that is? I would love to hear from Philosophers, Scientists and just plain old folks who think they have the reason. Then lets see where that takes us. By the way try to limit the quoting of Scriptures of any faiths, Im looking more at how your own brain works it.

Heres a couple of Videos that pretty much show our Dual Natures. Hope you enjoy.


Luke said...

john t. great to see you get a blog of your own! i've always been fascinated by what you've had to say and now i can futher see how your mind works.

on the topic of duality, i think it's the breaking down of topics into two polarizing opposites for simplicity sake. light vs. dark for example.. but this over looks the greys of things like dawn and dusk... it's not just noon vs. midnight but a whole scale, a cycle and a system.

duality is natural but in it's more simplistic forms, it gets unnatural.

make any sense?

Tit for Tat said...

Wow.........thats me too often(black or white). It makes complete sense, sometimes the simplest ideas we overlook. I think maybe Im going to start paying more attention to the greys. Thanks Luke.

The First Domino דומינו said...

As long as you know that "how my own brain works it" is an admixture of all the things that I have read, thought, learned, and experienced over the years.

I won't quote, however.

You offer A good observation on how our world is structured--where one thing is defined by it's opposite.

In any direction, we have polarity--at the extreme ends, we have, for example, either hot, or cold, short or tall, up or down, male or female, and, non-physically, love and fear.

For some of these dyads we can have a number of gradations, where a thing can be said to be cool and trending cold, or warm and trending hot.

When it comes to the dyad of male and female, no such gradation exists, but it can exist for the non-physical dyad of love and fear, which constitutes our only emotions, or variations, thereof.

There are tryads, but they're beyond the discussion at hand.

Here's the reason for the dyads, as succinctly as I can state it, which I'm afraid will not be of sufficient length to do it justice.

In order for us to experience who we are--that which we're not had to come along.

In a sense, we're that which we're not.

For us to experience ourself as kind, that which is unkind must show up.

For us to experience ourself as generous, or forgiving, that which require our generosity, and compel our forgiveness, must show up.

In short, we have to know it All, in order to experience any of it--All in the sense of knowing the accompanying half of the dyad we're hoping to experience.

And yeah, it works the other way around as well: we can't experience ourself as bad, unless we know good, we can't experience our self as short, unless we know tall, and we can't experience ourself as mean, unless we know kind.

And the list continues. Without this world of relativity, we could never know the whole of ourself through our experiences. We would be forever speculating about who we truly are.

Experience is the cosmic shortcut that takes us from a place of knowing ourself to be a thing to a place of knowledge, where knowing and experience intercept.

Tit for Tat said...

Welcome Domino

Thanks for the comments. Actually if you look at male and female you do have gradations. Think of the effeminate male(girlie man), or masculine female(tomboy), also there are transgendered, and homosexual. I believe one of the reason of having our dual nature is to force us to choose an option. It seems with this system we are either drawn into better connection(community) with each other, or not. Whichever, they are pretty heavy thoughts.

Luke said...

The First Domino,

you bring up excellent points... the main summation of your comment as i understand it is that we define ourselves through our relationships. saying i have black hair and i'm tall means that i'm NOT brown/blonde/bald etc nor am I short. i'm comparing.

where we err is when we damage our relationships by claiming, somehow that being black-haired and tall is some how superior to short and blonde. it's all about relations and not just an either/or but a both/and. duality is a spectrum, a scale.


The First Domino דומינו said...

@ tit for tat: Actually if you look at male and female you do have gradations. Think of the effeminate male(girlie man), or masculine female(tomboy), also there are transgendered, and homosexual.

In truth, I didn't want to go there, for fear of inadvertently stepping on toes. I'm new to your blog, and wanted to conduct myself accordingly.

After nature speaks (either male or female), the individual may indeed--despite the choice that nature has made for them--choose to modify nature's choice, as you have noted, by adopting a mindset (or nature) not in keeping with their physical reality.

Actually if you look at male and female you do have gradations.

Yes, this gradation is imposed upon the body we're born with, by our power to create (choose) our own reality.

Yet, the physical encoding is still either male or female. Yet, your point has merit.

I believe one of the reason of having our dual nature is to force us to choose an option.

You're also right about "choice." Life does force us to choose. Life is choice. Without it, we become automatons, not creators (choosers) of who we are and who we desire to be.

Indeed, we're at choice about everything, and that is the whole cosmic plan.

Thank you. I feel welcomed.

The First Domino דומינו said...

Luke, well said. You're right on the money.

Relationships were created so that we could define ourself.

Without them we would never experience who we are. If you wanted a definition of "holiness," you wouldn't have to look further than to relationships.

Keep in mind, we can't help but relate to something--our world of relativity gives us an abundance of opportunities.

Keeping it broad, we get to relate to our neighbor, our communities, our nation and our world, and everything in it.

We also get to relate to ourself-- for some, not always a pleasant interaction.

And, of course, to refrain from relating to, or interacting with, say, our neighbor, is a relationship nevertheless.

And you're right, judgments are at the heart of relationships. By our judgments (how we choose to define the other) we define ourself.

One thing is not better than another, it is just different. Judgment brings into play elements that can alter the relationship, for better or for worse.

Hence we have been warned by sages: "Judge not...." or to "judge righteously".

Tit for Tat said...


Dont worry about my toes, they been crushed already ;) thanks for the consideration though.

"After nature speaks (either male or female)"

One thing about nature is it doesnt clearly delineate male or female on many occasions.

The First Domino דומינו said...

One thing about nature is it doesnt clearly delineate male or female on many occasions.

True, when you look at nature as a whole.

Nature is actually suggesting a greater truth: duality, whether male or female, or some other dyad, doesn't exist in the realm of the absolute, where All Things are One Thing.

The world of relativity is a contrived world, existing purely as a means to an end.

xxxx said...

Fuck you shithead.