Monday, November 30, 2009

Ignorance is Bliss. ;)

Am I ignorant because I believe, or do I believe because of my ignorance? The way I see it, I have 2 choices. I can choose to believe that this Universe that I see, with all its beauty and despair and overall awesomeness, is either:

1. A random fortuitous happening.


2. A creation with purpose and intelligence.

Now because of my ignorance I cannot know for sure which of these 2 options is true. So with my limited perspective I have decided to postulate an idea. I believe we were created with a purpose. This does not mean that I disregard all the benefits that science has in showing the inner workings of this Universe. Au Contraire, I actually believe that our scientists will one day prove my theory to be correct. To have a position that goes against mine does not automatically mean it is correct either. It is just that, an opinion. For thousands of years we have postulated, formulated and corrected many theories. I suspect this to be part of our human condition. Who knows, maybe its part of our Evolutionary process. So here I am, somewhat blissful in my ignorance, how about you!


Anonymous said...

"So here I am, somewhat blissful in my ignorance, how about you!" (John)

We can't know everything - I admit this more than freely. I go towards the side of 'purpose' and 'meaning' - because I'd like to 'hope' this is true. I like 'hope' though so I am biased (lol).

Boz said...

That is a false dichotomy - you haven't covered off all the possibilities with your two choices.

Tit for Tat said...

Well Boz......

Enlighten me.

Redlefty said...

Perhaps he means that the universe is "nothing but turtles, all the way down".

Sorry. Bad physics nerd joke.

Tit for Tat said...


Where have you been. I miss your posting.

Chris Ledgerwood said...

Blissful sounds good! Yeah, I'll go with that.

Boz said...

this Universe that I see, with all its beauty and despair and overall awesomeness, is either:

1. A random fortuitous happening.


2. A creation (by an agent) with purpose and intelligence.


3. created by an agent without purpose but with intelligence


4. created by an agent with purpose and without intelligence


5. created by an agent without purpose and without intelligence


Of course, these statements depend heavily upon the definitions we use; and what exactly you mean to say because your statement (2) is a little bit ambiguous.

Tit for Tat said...


Seeing as we need to use our human intellect as our benchmark, none of your examples are logical or rational. Because of the complexity of this Universe, some level of intelligence would be necessary. Also, though we made not understand what the reason for creating it would be, some sort of purpose seems perfectly logical and reasonable for whatever agent it could possibly be.
So that takes us back to my original point. Fluke or not?

I will take a logical stab at what you believe.

Anonymous said...

"some sort of purpose seems perfectly logical and reasonable for whatever agent it could possibly be" (John)

Crazy thing about purpose - humans cannot live healthily without it. Anarchy as a system fails...anything without meaning - we humans try to find it's meaning...if none exists - we give it meaning.

On a very basic and obvious level - purpose functions at the instinct level of humanity and is every decision we make (or at least reasoning is).

Luke said...

symbols and metaphor are all we have. good stuff dawg!

Lorena said...

I think more possibilities should be considered. Or better said, for the sake of time and space, you've oversimplified your theory.

Personally, I don't see how a creator fits in the picture, but that's just me. So much change happens in front our eyes just because of environmental stress, that I'm led to believe that everything is a result of change.

But all theories hang on the assumption that we're alone in the universe, which I find hard to believe. I do not believe in alien sightings, but I think it is perfectly possible that we live on "the toe of a giant," so to speak.

There is too much we don't know. So I have only rejected that which is obviously not true, like the Bible, its God, the Koran, and sundry. I have also rejected most known explanations of the so-called supernatural, since I haven't heard/read anything convincing enough.

I don't think I'll live long enough to hear a convincing explanation.

Anonymous said...

Interesting post, John.

I see nothing wrong with applying meaning where none is apparent. We creative types do this all the time. We see something that many would say is completely random and affix a purpose upon it. If that is bliss, then I guess that's why I'm smiling . . .

Tit for Tat said...

I don't think I'll live long enough to hear a convincing explanation.(Lorena)

I couldnt agree more with this statement.
I am not proposing a simple explanantion. I am just pointing out that there are really only 2 options for us. Creation(with obvious intelligence behind it), that doesnt necessarily mean an entity in any classic theological sense. Or its a fluke. In my brain, no matter how you slice it, it pretty much boils down to those 2.


Purpose, that will be my next post. ;)


Apparent meaning, now thats a question.

Boz said...

TitForTat said: "Boz, Seeing as we need to use our human intellect as our benchmark, none of your examples are logical or rational. Because of the complexity of this Universe, some level of intelligence would be necessary. Also, though we made not understand what the reason for creating it would be, some sort of purpose seems perfectly logical and reasonable for whatever agent it could possibly be.
So that takes us back to my original point. Fluke or not?"

Firstly, complexity does not imply design or intelligence. Take for example living things on earth. They could be called complex, yet there is no design or intelligent agency. They have become incrementally more complex over time.

Secondly, there is no evidence (that I know of) that our surroundings exist for a purpose. I agree with what societyvs said - humans are strongly inclined to assign purpose and meaning where none exists.

These two arguments are examples of the Argument from Personal Incredulity.

In relation to the origin of our universe(wide definition) - nobody knows. Not knowing is OK. Anyone that favours one explanation over another is showing their bias.

mac said...

All I know is that I don't know much.

I don't BELIEVE goddidit, nor am I sure it's all just random.

I am, however, fairly sure if a we were created with a purpose, that "creator" is nothing like we are led to believe. Yes, that means that NONE of what all the different cultures/religions claim has any validity. At least not to me :-)

mac said...

Maybe for even more options, you could check out St Brian.

There's an ongoing discussion of his speculations. I don't buy into any of it, but it is interesting none the less.

Michael said...

Ignorance of the law is no defense.

But it helps to mitigate, particularly when you got no prior record except your belief there is a purpose to life.

I plead guilty along with you.

Perhaps the purpose is to receive a pardon for our mistakes, no matter what they are, as long as we stay true to our Selves.

michael J

Anonymous said...

John. I struggled and struggled for years to believe in God. I looked for "proof." I reasoned. I searched and searched. It was not until I was willing to give up the narrow framework of belief in God that was fashioned in my youth that I was able to come to a place of comfort on this, to know what I believe and why, and your post describes exactly where I landed. It comes down to one of two directions. Either we are here by sheer chance, or we are not. It takes a certain faith to believe either one. It feels more true in my core that a God created us purposefully via the processes that science is continually discovering and defining. I am at peace. Thanks for reminding me of why. Sorry to be absent for a time. I'm back.

Redlefty said...

Sorry I missed your earlier note, John. Thank you!

Your encouragement is part of the push I needed to get back to writing. Posted yesterday and am excited to be back on the blog train again.

Oh, and the answer to all this dialogue is 42. Dangit, there I go again with bad nerd jokes.

Truth Seeker said...

I think that believing our existence has purpose comforts us deep within. Whether or not it is true unfortunately is beyond explanation like so many of life's great mysteries. I do sense an awareness or consciousness that seems to guide us somehow. This energy seems to manifest within us and at the same time outside of us as well. I know that when I do good....I feel good and when I do bad...I feel bad. Therefore I am drawn to do good which makes me personally feel that my life has purpose.