Monday, July 11, 2011

Under your bed...........

I remember my youth and the stories you would hear about the "monsters under your bed". Of course we grew to realize it was just a way to tease or keep children fearful. It seems the idea lives on even in some adults. Most people dont get assaulted or raped but you regularly hear feminists talk about the fear of walking down the streets. When I hear this I wonder how many have actually been raped or assaulted, I wonder how many have known the real sting of pain? The truth is, it seems more like a political stance for certain individuals to bring attention to their causes. This post is born of frustration of all these people who dont know shit. Woman or man, this is a post to all of you out here who know some of the monsters are REAL .


Not So Simply Single said...

Oh yes, the monsters are real. REAL FUCKING BAD. I didn't have it happen to me, but I know LOTS AND LOTS of little boys and girls who were taken advantage of, and it sickens me!

The monsters are real.

Where is my gun?

Anonymous said...

When I was in grad school I was talking to a colleague about working late in the computer room. She wanted me to commit to leaving the same time she would, otherwise she wouldn't go. There had been some assaults near campus, and she didn't feel at all comfortable leaving at 10:30 or 11:00 alone. I think she had good reason. I didn't give it a second thought. At that point I realized that as a male I didn't have the same "world" as women. I could go on my own at night without much fear, and women had more concerns. Perhaps they were over-estimating the danger to them and I was under-estimating the danger to me, but the difference in perspective was real - and not based on a political motive.

prakash G said...

The very desire that your wife should be faithful TO YOU is the beginning of doubt. Why? Who are you that she should be faithful to you? She should be faithful to herself, you should be faithful to yourself.

Mookie said...

Well, since you responded to me on Scott's blog, I figured I better check out who you are and make sure you're not a monster!

Good blog. I keep forgetting that being longwinded myself, and reading Scoot's long analyses of the world, that short meme's even exist in the blog world.

Although I'm not quite sure I follow BRIDGE-IIT's comment.